The 20th of November is a significant date. In order to foster global cooperation, increase children’s consciousness, and enhance their welfare, we mark World Children’s Day.
MyCARE Center for Rohingya Education (MyC4RE) used this opportunity to host a brief program for our children with theme “Inclusion for Every Child” this year.
48 personal pizzas were also donated by US Pizza Malaysia for our two alternative learning facilities in Seri Serdang and Sungai Tekali.
This humbled contribution from the US Pizza Malaysia definitely has bring some joy towards our students.
Many thanks to US Pizza Malaysia for putting smiles on our students’ faces on this memorable day.
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Memorandum bantahan kepada Kedutaan Amerika
Rose2Rose bersama para NGO yang bernaung di bawah Malaysian Women’s Coalition for Al-Quds and Palestine (MWCQP) telah menghantar sebuah memorandum bantahan kepada Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat