MyCARE Denounces and Rejected the So Called Israel-Palestine Peace Plan Revealed by Trump

In a most recent development, President Trump announced the Israel-Palestine peace plan previously heralded as ‘The deal of the Century.

The 181 pages plan entitled ‘Peace to Prosperity: A vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People’ turns out to be such a worthwhile deal for Israelis and certainly not for Palestinians.

It is a plan to coerce the Palestinian people to give up their homeland and remain subservient to the Israeli apartheid system.

The ‘Peace Plan’ is an absurdity. No one in his/her right mind would accept such a humiliation.

Despite being rejected at the outset by the President of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Mahmoud Abbas, the ‘peace plan’ was announced still to deceive the international community. The announcement was made on the same day Netanyahu was prosecuted in Israeli court for grafts; and in the run-up to Israeli election in March and the US Presidential election in November.

MyCARE APPEALS TO all citizens of Malaysia to condemn in no uncertain term, the continuous repression on the people of Palestine and to show solidarity with the latter through peaceful demonstrations, memorandums of protest and support of the boycott campaigns against Israel.

MyCARE CALLS UPON the United States to stop her unquestioned support of the Zionist Israeli regime; and to condemn the criminal action and violations of international laws by Israel.

MyCARE CALLS UPON every community to join hands in putting an immediate stop to the tramplings of the Palestinian rights and the complicity of the US in such criminal acts.

Assoc. Prof Dr Hafidzi Mohd Noor
Humanitarian Care Malaysia (MyCARE)

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