Aid Mission: MyCARE’s Mission


During the recent earthquake in Nepal, MyCARE had responded immediately by launching a fundraising campaign in collaboration with Econsave Cash & Carry and sending 3 humanitarian missions to help reduced Nepalis sufferings. Our missions focus primarily on providing food supplies, offering medical services and conducting psychosocial training and therapies.

A task force was set-up led by Dr Mohamed Ikram Mohamed Salleh who has vast experiences in humanitarian works. He led the assessment team during our 1st mission to Nepal from 7th – 10th May 2015. Information from the assessment team was crucial in preparing the movement for our 2nd (12-19 May) and 3rd missions (17-25 May).

Overall, MyCARE Mission to Nepal (MMN) were successful in distributing food packages to 781 families, providing medical assistance to 409 Nepalis, supplying 10 kg of medicines to a local clinic in Rasuwa and conducting psychosocial trainings and programs for 217 adults and 268 school children respectively. All these was possible due to contributions from our donors and collaborations with local NGOs such as Jagriti Child and Youth Concern (JCYC), Islamic Medical Association of Nepal (IMAN) and Islamic Sangh as well as fellow humanitarian NGOs such as MERCY Malaysia, Malaysian Relief Agency (MRA) and Bulan Sabit Merah Indonesia (BSMI).

MyCARE is looking forward to extend its humanitarian works in Nepal as we moved into rehabilitation phase. The extension is crucial especially with the upcoming monsoon season.

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