Ang pows for Sungai Lembing flood victims

We are pleased to share a heartwarming update on our recent initiative in Sungai Lembing. In conjunction with the Chinese New Year, MyCARE extended ang pow or cash assistance to 25 Chinese families who were affected by the floods in December 2023 and January 2024.


These families, comprised of first and second-generation Chinese miners in Sungai Lembing, faced the brunt of the disaster. The ang pow distribution aimed to provide financial relief to these families as they navigate the aftermath of the floods.









In the spirit of community and solidarity, MyCARE remains committed to supporting and uplifting those affected by various challenges. Stay tuned for more updates on our ongoing projects and the positive changes we are bringing to communities in need.


Thank you for being a vital part of MyCARE’s mission to make a positive difference.

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