I am a Malay Muslim, a son of a fisherman and a grandson of fishing boat skipper and grew up in a small traditional fishing village in Terengganu, Malaysia. I love traditional cultures and local wisdom. Besides going to formal schools, I also learned local martial arts and traditional Malay healings.
I obtained my Bachelor Degree in Political Science from International Islamic University Malaysia, LL.M in International Law from Lancaster University, United Kingdom and Ph.D in International Relations from Durham University, United Kingdom. Presently, I am an Associate Professor and Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Law and International Relations, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia and also an activist of Humanitarian Care Malaysia (MyCARE). Since an early age, I have had a passion to help others and it continues today.
I have been actively involved in international humanitarian missions particularly in crisis areas such as in Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, South Sudan and Cambodia. Besides that, I am also an expert in international human rights law and was trained in Geneva. My spouse is a lawyer and we are blessed with four children.
Inspired by Rumi, my Quote:
“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy”
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Memorandum bantahan kepada Kedutaan Amerika
Rose2Rose bersama para NGO yang bernaung di bawah Malaysian Women’s Coalition for Al-Quds and Palestine (MWCQP) telah menghantar sebuah memorandum bantahan kepada Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat