On behalf of Rose2Rose (MyCARE) we would like to congratulate all our Muslim brothers and sisters on the arrival of Eid al-Fitr 1441 Hijri.
We hope that everyone is safe and be protected from this pandemic.
May Allah accept all our deeds during the holy month of Ramadan.
Let’s join our hands to thank Allah for this wonderful day to pray, care, love, smile and celebrate with one another.
Stay home and be safe.
تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال وكل عام وانتم بألف خير
May Allah accept from us all our good deeds and may you be well with every passing year.
Your sister,
Dr. Fauziah Mohd Hasan (FRCOG)
Advisor of Rose2Rose,
Board of Trustees of MyCARE
Shawwal 1441 Hijri
Memorandum bantahan kepada Kedutaan Amerika
Rose2Rose bersama para NGO yang bernaung di bawah Malaysian Women’s Coalition for Al-Quds and Palestine (MWCQP) telah menghantar sebuah memorandum bantahan kepada Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat