Family Pledge Campaign 2022

This is a global campaign to help and support Palestinian female-headed families namely in Gaza, West Bank, Al Quds, and also those in the diaspora. Do you know that there are 10-12% of the Palestinian families are female-headed, which means for every 100 families there are 12 families led by women. These female-headed families are more vulnerable and thus need more help and support.
This campaign aims to help these families mainly in 4 sectors.
1) Livelihood
2) Education
3) Medical needs
4) House renovation
The campaign also wants to spread awareness of the Palestinian plight worldwide. At the same time, the campaign wishes to connect the Palestinian families to the donor individuals or families- thus forming bondage between them.
1 million donors per year
All year round
As little as USD 10 one-off can be donated or USD 10/ month for any duration as the donor wish.
Organized by:
Global Women Coalition for Al Quds and Palestine (GWCQP). It is a global network of associations, institutions, individuals, and women associations working for Al Quds and Palestine. There are more than 120 institutions and 16 influential individuals from 44 countries in GWCQP. The work is expanding to involve more countries, institutions, and individuals.
Humanitarian Care Malaysia (MyCARE) is a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) [Reg. No: 729288-P] and a member of South East Asia Humanitarian Communities (SEAHUM). Through this family pledge campaign, MyCARE serves as a conduit for the transfer of monies to the beneficiaries.
Payment gateway:
Stripe and PayPal
Please click the link below to donate:
For further information, find us on these platforms:

The link to sign the pledge, donate and get the family electronic bag
“The best of you are those who feed others “– Imam Ahmad

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