Humanitarian Care Malaysia Berhad, MyCARE

  1. Member of the Global March to Jerusalem’s International Central Committee (ICC), International Executive Committee (IEC) and have chaired the Malaysian chapter for this global initiative since 2012.
  2. Founding member of the Asia Pacific Community for Palestine (ASPAC)
  3. Co-organized with Palestine Culutural Organization Malaysia (PCOM) and International Coalition for Jerusalem and Palestine (Al-I’tifal) – The Annual International Forum for Jerusalem and Palestine [2-4 May 2014].
  4. Audited by the Financial Action Task Force (FTAF) for integrity and transparency in handling peoples’ fund [November 2014].
  5. Co-organized with Malaysian Society for Engineering and Technology (MySET) and The Arab and International Commission to Build Gaza (AICBG) – International Conference on Reconstruction of Gaza [24 January 2015].
  6. Official Member of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) [24 April 2017].
  7. NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations since 2017.

Board of Trustees Member’s Recognition

  1. Dr. Fauziah Hasan received Women Activism Award from International Coalition for Jerusalem and Palestine (Al-I’tilaf) [October 2014].
  2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hafidzi Mohd Noor is appointed as Vice President of the South East Asia Humanitarian Committee (SEAHUM) [since May 2015].


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