HUMANITARIAN CARE MALAYSIA BERHAD (MyCARE) is a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) registered with the Companies Comission of Malaysia (SSM) [reg. no. 200601009538]. In 2017, MyCARE has been granted a Special Consultative Status from United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). MyCARE is also a member of South East Asia Humanitarian Communities (SEAHUM).
MyCARE humanitarian relief works cover Southeast Asia Archipelago including Myanmar, The Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam; war-torn countries in the Middle-East such as Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen; as well as disaster-stricken areas in Malaysia, Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. MyCARE actively provides humanitarian relief such as flood disaster relief, temporary shelters, rebuilding homes, food pack and education.
In delivering our transparency and integrity, MyCARE practices chartered audit in every year. In 2014, MyCARE was involved in a Mutual Evaluation Exercise an assessment by FATF who were then hosted by Bank Negara. Following that exercise MyCARE received a letter of appreciation from Bank Negara. In 2019, MyCARE also has been audited by Binder Dijker Otte (BDO). MyCARE will continue to practice the highest standards of corporate governance to ensure the provision of effective and professional humanitarian care services to both our rightful benefactor and deserving beneficiaries.
Together nurturing communities towards a caring and peaceful world.
Galvanising resources and expertise of Malaysians and global community towards a caring and peaceful world
Nurturing Humanity,
Making A Difference
An initiative for rebuilding
Palestine project
An initiative for women and children empowerment project
Palestine Centre of Excellence an initiative for Palestine advocacy project
An initiative for rebuilding
Palestine project
An initiative for women and children empowerment project
Palestine Centre of Excellence an initiative for Palestine advocacy project
MyCARE will leverage the power of our community to contribute to the global goals and we are committed to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) initiated by United Nations(UN) specifically for the following goals: