No Way Home

No Way Home as a way to bridge knowledge gaps in terms of understanding the international and domestic Rohingya crisis. A Mandarin edition of this book was published in June 2019, but this edition is more than just a translation.

The addition new parts and observations, including experiences visiting the refugee camps in Myanmar, to ensure the continued relevance of the text.

The human stories of the refugees should always be the forefront of the narrative. Forget jargon – humanitarian aid, human rights or relief organisations – there are real stories of people who have experienced and witnessed ugliness and extreme suffering. We hope that these stories from survivors and activists appeal to our shared humanity – our compassion, kindness and understanding in this holy month.

To grab one copy, please check it out at


Bank in to CIMB Bank
Account No.: 8600 4684 16
Acc Name: Humanitarian Care Malaysia Berhad

More inquiries? Please contact the author, Teo Ann Siang at 016 631 9296.


  1. Hi. I saw the documentary from chanel 8 call forgotten child . And I would like to donate money to 2 of them children there. Can you give me a call or WhatsApp at [edited]

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