[PalestinDiserang] Hot meals for displaced Gazans

We’re thrilled to announce the latest impact from our aid distribution in Gaza, where, thanks to the generous contributions from our partners – Pharmacore Technology & Innovation Sdn Bhd, Wardah, Kahf, and Emina from Indonesia, we’re bringing comfort through hot meals!


In our hot meals initiative:


We served 600 portions of cow meat, utilizing two cows, each weighing 300 kg. Additionally, we distributed 800 servings of rice, providing meals for two persons each.


In total, we delivered 1,400 warm meals to those in need.




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Your incredible support is not just nourishing bodies but also offering moments of warmth and comfort to those facing challenges in Gaza. Together, we’re making a meaningful difference, one meal at a time.


A heartfelt thank you to Pharmacore Technology & Innovation Sdn Bhd, Wardah, Kahf, and Emina for their steadfast commitment to supporting the people of Gaza.


Stay tuned for more updates on our projects, and thank you for being the heartbeat of MyCARE’s mission to make a positive impact.

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