Penghargaan daripada ibu seorang doktor

Terima kasih rakyat Malaysia!

Kami terharu dengan kiriman ucapan doa seorang ibu yang gembira dengan kejayaan anaknya dan bersyukur atas keprihatinan para penyumbang yang dermawan sehingga membolehkan anaknya bergelar doktor dalam bidang perubatan. Kami kongsikan dengan anda ucapan tersebut:

Assalamu Alaycom wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

I am the mother of Dr. Rabeah Al-Doh
I would like to thank Rose To Rose for providing my daughter Rabeah financial and moral support.

My daughter started her medical studies in Syria and when she became in the fourth year of university we were displaced because of the war in Syria. We were expelled from our homes and went out to start the journey of struggle.

Rabeah ia an example of many Syrians who have left their country and are no longer able to return home.
In these difficult circumstances, Rose To Rose appeared to offer us help and support.

I would like to thank all those who are working on Rose To Rose, especially Dr. Fawziah and who were with her. Where they considered my daughter as their daughter and loved her as the mother loves her daughters, I saw that when they met her in Antakya, they were very happy and interest about her.

I ask Allaah to provide them with health and helping them for what they do of good work.
I also thank the Syrian Women’s Association and its administration group.
I hope my daughter Rabeah can help and benefit other people in her life.

Allahumma amin, semoga kejayaan Dr. Rabeah Al-Doh menjadi inspirasi buat kita semua untuk terus membantu golongan yang memerlukan, dan moga amalan ini diterima di sisiNya sebagai salah satu pemberat di mizan hasanat (kebaikan).

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