
Walk4Humanity 2024

Acara Walk4Humanity 9.0 akan mengumpulkan runner yang prihatin dan memperjuangkan isu-isu kemanusiaan lebih-lebih lagi isu kanak-kanak dan wanita di seluruh dunia.


MyCARE melalui Rose2Rose dengan kerjasama RIMAU menganjurkan larian dengan tema khas Palestin; “Regaining Normalcy” bertujuan mengumpul dana bagi menyalurkan sumbangan dan keperluan kepada wanita dan kanak-kanak Palestin yang kehilangan anggota tubuh badan.


Lock The Date!

28 September 2024, SABTU | Foodcourt UNITEN

6.30am – 11.00am | 5km & 10km


Ayuh berlari dengan membawa mesej kemanusiaan!

BUY1=RM1 Donation

In collaboration with The Body Shop and Rose2Rose, every purchase of British Rose products will contribute RM1 to the “Gaza: Home of Hope & Love” project campaign for orphans affected by the ongoing aggression in Gaza.

Gaza: Home of
Hope & LOVE

Developing the Orphanage Home of Love in the aftermath of the agression involves careful planning and consideration of the unique needs and challenges faced by Gaza orphaned children.

Campaign Objectives:

1. Provide protection and sustenance for orphans, especially those who live alone.

2. Provide employment opportunities for women and families who take care of the orphans by sponsoring their operating costs.

3. Sponsor programs, activities, and courses that are designed to develop personality and promote a healthier, happier, and more independent life.


Rose2Rose is MyCARE initiative for women and children empowerment project. From Women of Malaysia to all afflicted women of the world, namely Palestine, Syria and Rohingya.


Gaza: Home of
Hope & Love

Prosthetics Limbs Project

Gaza Women Empowerment Projects

University Student Sponsorship


Gaza: Home of
Hope & Love

Prosthetics Limbs

Gaza Women Empowerment Projects

University Student


Training & Upskill

Home Industries, Management, Marketing

Information Technology (IT) Literacy

Marital & Family Class

Awareness Program

Psychosocial Program

Women Community Centre

Donate for Women and Children Empowerment