Rose2Rose | Women Community Centres in Gaza Rose2Rose helped in the establishment of 2 women community centres at Rafah (2011) and Jabalia (2012) in cooperation with our partners – Darul Quran Wa as-Sunnah (DQWS) and Al-Rahma Society of Jabaliya City. Total cost for both centres was RM 600,000. These centres aim to empower the Gazan women (particularly widows of the martyrs and their children) socially and economically by holding IT and vocational trainings and character building workshops. |
Sarmada Women Centre, Syria This project aims to rehabilitate Syrian women traumatized by the prolong conflicts in Syria. The project was completed in August 2014 . The centre has 5 areas – 3 training areas (for reading, Quran memorization, IT and foreign language literacy), 1 dedicated kitchen (for training associated with cooking) and 1 accommodation area. The project was audited in October 2014 and we later agreed to support the centre operational cost for 2015 at USD 40,000. | |
Rohingya Women Centre, Malaysia Since November 2014, Rose2Rose has been organizing a weekly sewing and craftwork workshops for Rohingya women community in Puchong to train and develop their capacity to generate their own income. After 2 months of training, the Rohingya women are able to sew their own pillowcases, kitchen towels, panhandlers, aprons, and colorful bracelets. Participants have gained great confidence from the workshops and are now able to make use of the skills learnt to develop their own sewing and handicraft products. |
Memorandum bantahan kepada Kedutaan Amerika
Rose2Rose bersama para NGO yang bernaung di bawah Malaysian Women’s Coalition for Al-Quds and Palestine (MWCQP) telah menghantar sebuah memorandum bantahan kepada Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat