White Coat Rally – Doctors & Healthworkers Against Genocide

“WE are parts of the Global Health Coalition Against Genocide. We are the health professionals of Malaysia together with our colleagues all over the world are appalled at what is going on in Gaza including the bombings and raiding of hospitals.


Yesterday the largest hospital in Gaza – Al-Shifa Hospital was raided by the Zionist army and tanks. Under the Geneva Convention, hospitals must be protected. As health workers we are bound to first do no harm, protect and respect human lives. Therefore the call by Israeli doctors to destroy hospitals in Gaza is strongly condemned. It is an absolute betrayal of our medical ethics and in contravention to our Hippocratic Oath.







We therefore call on the governments of the world to demand immediate ceasefire now, allow unimpeded and continuous humanitarian and medical aid into the whole of Gaza. We fully support the Malaysian government’s call to send medical aid team into Gaza to support and help our exhausted colleagues and offer our services to the wounded and sick Palestinians who are now in a dire state.”


– Dr. Fauziah Mohd Hassan,
Board of Trustee MyCARE
Advisor of Rose2Rose
Honorary Advisor of MWCQP

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